Voxiworld v1.2 Released

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  • Author

  • DevynCJohnson
    • Topics - 437
    • @devyncjohnson

    Voxiworld v1.2 has been released! Voxiworld is a major mod/add-on to Minetest. Voxiworld uses Minetest as a gaming engine, so most of Minetest's developer pages are important to Voxiworld developers. Also, Voxiworld is a combination of existing Minetest mods and new code/mods. Many of the existing Minetest mods have been re-modified, but the code still gives credit to the original developer.

    Download - https://dcjtech.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Voxiworld_v1.2.tar.gz

    Keep in mind that this project has been stopped due to low public interest. Feel free to continue the project. Sometimes, a "bad alloc" crash occurs. If a public server running Voxiworld is down, then that is probably the reason.

    Installation Instructions

    Download and install Minetest (http://www.minetest.net/download). Next, download Voxiworld and extract the ZIP file. Afterwards, place the Voxiworld folder in Minetest’s "games" directory. This may be found in one of two places on Unixoid systems such as "~/.minetest/games/" or "/usr/share/minetest/games/".

    On Windows, the directory is located in the "games" folder in the chosen installation location for Minetest (such as C:\Programs\Minetest\games). Alternately, Voxiworld can be placed in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Minetest\games\.


    • 2401 unique items/objects
    • weapons, arrows, bows, armor, shields, etc.
    • TNT, fireworks, and nuclear weapons
    • Nether, Tron realm, special regions, and marble core
    • Animals, NPCs, monsters, etc.
    • Easy skin changer
    • Built-in crafting guide
    • Set home location and teleport home
    • "Areas" by ShadowNinja (https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7239)
    • The default torch lights the area when held by player
    • Many biomes
    • Pyramids with treasure in dry deserts biomes
    • Sunken submarines and boats can be found in oceans
    • Detailed oceans (life, hidden/sunken objects, icebergs, ice-sheets, etc.)
    • Technology, GPS, and electricity


    • TRON = 29000 > 31000
    • TRON Surface = 30000
    • Sea-level = 0
    • Earth’s crust = 0 > -14600
    • Deepstone = -14600 > -14799
    • Bedrock = -14800 > -15100
    • Nether = -15000 > -29000
    • Nether Surface = -20000
    • Marble Layer = -31000 > -30900

    Important Minetest Links

    Miscellaneous Links/Places

    Coding Resources


    All item and block images/textures should be PNG files measuring 16*16 pixels and use RGBa or RGB color maps. Gimp (http://www.gimp.org/downloads/) is an excellent graphics software to use for Voxiworld and/or Minetest.

    Examples and Templates - https://dcjtech.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/voxiworld_graphics_examples.zip

    World Info

    The world's locations can be given in coordinates in the form (x,y,z). "X" is West/East, "Y" is height/depth, and "Z" is North/South. The Nether is under 15000 blocks from sea-level (*,-15000,*). The player's first spawn point is near (0,0,0).

    Various minerals, plants, biomes, mobs/creatures, etc. can only be found in certain coordinates and/or light intensities. For instance, Mese ore is more common deep into the ground than in a tall mountain. Nether rack is only found in the Nether, and some mobs/creatures live only in the Nether.


    All code and content should be licensed under one of the following licenses.

    More info - http://opensource.org/licenses/

    Code Examples

    --Radium Lump
    minetest.register_craftitem("nuclear_material:radium_lump", {
    	description = "Radium Lump",
    	inventory_image = "radium_lump.png",
    	type = "fuel",
    	recipe = "nuclear_material:radium_lump",
    	burntime = "20",
    --Radium Ore
    minetest.register_node("nuclear_material:radium_ore", {
    	description = "Radium Ore",
    	tiles = {"default_stone.png^radium_mineral.png"},
    	light_source = 2,
    	is_ground_content = true,
    	groups = {cracky=3},
    	drop = 'nuclear_material:radium_lump',
    	sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
    	type = "cooking",
    	recipe = "nuclear_material:radium_lump",
    	output = "nuclear_material:radium_ore",
    	ore_type = "scatter",
    	ore = "nuclear_material:radium_ore",
    	wherein = "default:stone",
    	clust_scarcity = 15*15*15,
    	clust_num_ores = 5,
    	clust_size = 9,
    	height_min = -31000,
    	height_max = -10,
    --Radium Block
    minetest.register_node("nuclear_material:radium_block", {
    	description = "Radium Block",
    	tiles = {"radium_block.png"},
    	light_source = 2,
    	is_ground_content = true,
    	groups = {cracky=1,level=2},
    	sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
    	output = "nuclear_material:radium_block",
    	recipe = {
    		{"nuclear_material:radium_lump", "nuclear_material:radium_lump"},
    		{"nuclear_material:radium_lump", "nuclear_material:radium_lump"},
    	output = "pmobs:shuriken 16",
    	recipe = {
    		{"", "default:steel_ingot", ""},
    		{"default:steel_ingot", "", "default:steel_ingot"},
    		{"", "default:steel_ingot", ""},
    	output = "default:steel_ingot",
    	recipe = {
    		{"pmobs:shuriken", "pmobs:shuriken"},
    		{"pmobs:shuriken", "pmobs:shuriken"},
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