Tagged: datatype, development, download, free, open-source, programming, software
This topic was published by DevynCJohnson and viewed 1661 times since "". The last page revision was "".
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Typesize is a small command-line program that displays the size (in bytes) of several data-types used in the C programming language. To use the program, in a terminal, type "/PATH/TO/typesize". Typesize is licensed under LGPLv3 and is made by Devyn Collier Johnson <[email protected]>.
NOTE: Typesize has been merged with "Linux-Utils" (https://dcjtech.info/topic/linux-utils-software-collection-for-linux/). Updates will be released with Linux-Utils rather than this page.
To compile the C-source-code, execute one of the below listed commands. Suggestions for other compiler commands are welcome.
- General (GNU GCC) -
gcc -O3 -gtoggle -g0 -s -pipe -pedantic -std=c11 ./typesize.c -o ./typesize
- Optimized (GNU GCC) -
gcc -O3 -Wl,-O3 -gtoggle -g0 -s -pipe -funroll-loops -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -pedantic -Wall -std=c11 ./typesize.c -o ./typesize && strip --remove-section=.note --remove-section=.comment --strip-debug --strip-unneeded ./typesize
Please feel free to email me suggestions, bug reports, concerns, etc. Also, please consider donating to DCJTech for further development.
Download Version 2015.11.15
Source Code
/* Created by Devyn Collier Johnson <[email protected]> LGPLv3 GNU Lesser General Public License v3 Copyright (c) Devyn Collier Johnson, All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. */ // Version 2015.11.15 // gcc -O3 -gtoggle -g0 -s -pipe -pedantic -std=c11 ./typesize.c -o ./typesize // gcc -march=haswell -O3 -Wl,-O3 -gtoggle -g0 -s -pipe -funroll-loops -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c11 ./typesize.c -o ./typesize && strip --remove-section=.note --remove-section=.comment --strip-debug --strip-unneeded ./typesize #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #if defined(__linux__) // Linux # include <unistd.h> # if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) # define _GNU_SOURCE # endif #elif !defined(_WIN32) && (defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))) // Unix-systems # define _POSIX_C_SOURCE = 199309L # include <unistd.h> # if defined(__unix__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) // Unix-systems # include <sys/param.h> # if defined(BSD) // BSD # define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED # endif # endif #endif // Print the size of each datatype int main(void) { // Get Datatype Size const size_t charsize = sizeof(char); const size_t signedcharsize = sizeof(signed char); const size_t unsignedcharsize = sizeof(unsigned char); const size_t intsize = sizeof(int); const size_t signedsize = sizeof(signed); const size_t signedintsize = sizeof(signed int); const size_t unsignedsize = sizeof(unsigned); const size_t unsignedintsize = sizeof(unsigned int); const size_t shortsize = sizeof(short); const size_t shortintsize = sizeof(short int); const size_t signedshortsize = sizeof(signed short); const size_t signedshortintsize = sizeof(signed short int); const size_t unsignedshortsize = sizeof(unsigned short); const size_t unsignedshortintsize = sizeof(unsigned short int); const size_t longsize = sizeof(long); const size_t longintsize = sizeof(long int); const size_t signedlongsize = sizeof(signed long); const size_t signedlongintsize = sizeof(signed long int); const size_t unsignedlongsize = sizeof(unsigned long); const size_t unsignedlongintsize = sizeof(unsigned long int); const size_t longlongsize = sizeof(long long); const size_t longlongintsize = sizeof(long long int); const size_t signedlonglongsize = sizeof(signed long long); const size_t signedlonglongintsize = sizeof(signed long long int); const size_t unsignedlonglongsize = sizeof(unsigned long long); const size_t unsignedlonglongintsize = sizeof(unsigned long long int); const size_t floatsize = sizeof(float); const size_t doublesize = sizeof(double); const size_t longdoublesize = sizeof(long double); const size_t floatcomplexsize = sizeof(float _Complex); const size_t doublecomplexsize = sizeof(double _Complex); const size_t longdoublecomplexsize = sizeof(long double _Complex); const size_t boolsize = sizeof(_Bool); const size_t sizetsize = sizeof(size_t); #if defined(_POSIX_VERSION) const size_t ssizetsize = sizeof(ssize_t); #endif const size_t ptrsize = sizeof(char*); const size_t adrsize = sizeof(&ptrsize); // Display Sizes printf("Char: %lu\n", charsize); printf("Signed Char: %lu\n", signedcharsize); printf("Unsigned Char: %lu\n", unsignedcharsize); printf("Int: %lu\n", intsize); printf("Signed: %lu\n", signedsize); printf("Signed Int: %lu\n", signedintsize); printf("Unsigned: %lu\n", unsignedsize); printf("Unsigned Int: %lu\n", unsignedintsize); printf("Short: %lu\n", shortsize); printf("Short Int: %lu\n", shortintsize); printf("Signed Short: %lu\n", signedshortsize); printf("Signed Short Int: %lu\n", signedshortintsize); printf("Unsigned Short: %lu\n", unsignedshortsize); printf("Unsigned Short Int: %lu\n", unsignedshortintsize); printf("Long: %lu\n", longsize); printf("Long Int: %lu\n", longintsize); printf("Signed Long: %lu\n", signedlongsize); printf("Signed Long Int: %lu\n", signedlongintsize); printf("Unsigned Long: %lu\n", unsignedlongsize); printf("Unsigned Long Int: %lu\n", unsignedlongintsize); printf("Long Long: %lu\n", longlongsize); printf("Long Long Int: %lu\n", longlongintsize); printf("Signed Long Long: %lu\n", signedlonglongsize); printf("Signed Long Long Int: %lu\n", signedlonglongintsize); printf("Unsigned Long Long: %lu\n", unsignedlonglongsize); printf("Unsigned Long Long Int: %lu\n", unsignedlonglongintsize); printf("Float: %lu\n", floatsize); printf("Double: %lu\n", doublesize); printf("Long Double: %lu\n", longdoublesize); printf("Float Complex: %lu\n", floatcomplexsize); printf("Double Complex: %lu\n", doublecomplexsize); printf("Long Double Complex: %lu\n", longdoublecomplexsize); printf("_Bool: %lu\n", boolsize); printf("size_t: %lu\n", sizetsize); #if defined(_POSIX_VERSION) printf("ssize_t: %lu\n", ssizetsize); #endif printf("Char*: %lu\n", ptrsize); printf("&adrsize: %lu\n", adrsize); return 0; }
- General (GNU GCC) -
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