Typesize: View the Size of each C-Data-type

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  • Author

  • DevynCJohnson
    • Topics - 437
    • @devyncjohnson

    Typesize is a small command-line program that displays the size (in bytes) of several data-types used in the C programming language. To use the program, in a terminal, type "/PATH/TO/typesize". Typesize is licensed under LGPLv3 and is made by Devyn Collier Johnson <[email protected]>.

    NOTE: Typesize has been merged with "Linux-Utils" (https://dcjtech.info/topic/linux-utils-software-collection-for-linux/). Updates will be released with Linux-Utils rather than this page.

    To compile the C-source-code, execute one of the below listed commands. Suggestions for other compiler commands are welcome.

    • General (GNU GCC) - gcc -O3 -gtoggle -g0 -s -pipe -pedantic -std=c11 ./typesize.c -o ./typesize
    • Optimized (GNU GCC) - gcc -O3 -Wl,-O3 -gtoggle -g0 -s -pipe -funroll-loops -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -pedantic -Wall -std=c11 ./typesize.c -o ./typesize && strip --remove-section=.note --remove-section=.comment --strip-debug --strip-unneeded ./typesize

    Please feel free to email me suggestions, bug reports, concerns, etc. Also, please consider donating to DCJTech for further development.


    Download Version 2015.11.15


    Source Code

    Created by Devyn Collier Johnson
    <[email protected]>
    GNU Lesser General Public License v3
    Copyright (c) Devyn Collier Johnson, All rights reserved.
    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library.
    // Version 2015.11.15
    // gcc -O3 -gtoggle -g0 -s -pipe -pedantic -std=c11 ./typesize.c -o ./typesize
    // gcc -march=haswell -O3 -Wl,-O3 -gtoggle -g0 -s -pipe -funroll-loops -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c11 ./typesize.c -o ./typesize && strip --remove-section=.note --remove-section=.comment --strip-debug --strip-unneeded ./typesize
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #if defined(__linux__)  // Linux
    #   include <unistd.h>
    #   if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
    #      define _GNU_SOURCE
    #   endif
    #elif !defined(_WIN32) && (defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)))  // Unix-systems
    #   define _POSIX_C_SOURCE = 199309L
    #   include <unistd.h>
    #   if defined(__unix__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))  // Unix-systems
    #       include <sys/param.h>
    #           if defined(BSD)  // BSD
    #               define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED
    #           endif
    #   endif
    // Print the size of each datatype
    int main(void) {
        // Get Datatype Size
        const size_t charsize = sizeof(char);
        const size_t signedcharsize = sizeof(signed char);
        const size_t unsignedcharsize = sizeof(unsigned char);
        const size_t intsize = sizeof(int);
        const size_t signedsize = sizeof(signed);
        const size_t signedintsize = sizeof(signed int);
        const size_t unsignedsize = sizeof(unsigned);
        const size_t unsignedintsize = sizeof(unsigned int);
        const size_t shortsize = sizeof(short);
        const size_t shortintsize = sizeof(short int);
        const size_t signedshortsize = sizeof(signed short);
        const size_t signedshortintsize = sizeof(signed short int);
        const size_t unsignedshortsize = sizeof(unsigned short);
        const size_t unsignedshortintsize = sizeof(unsigned short int);
        const size_t longsize = sizeof(long);
        const size_t longintsize = sizeof(long int);
        const size_t signedlongsize = sizeof(signed long);
        const size_t signedlongintsize = sizeof(signed long int);
        const size_t unsignedlongsize = sizeof(unsigned long);
        const size_t unsignedlongintsize = sizeof(unsigned long int);
        const size_t longlongsize = sizeof(long long);
        const size_t longlongintsize = sizeof(long long int);
        const size_t signedlonglongsize = sizeof(signed long long);
        const size_t signedlonglongintsize = sizeof(signed long long int);
        const size_t unsignedlonglongsize = sizeof(unsigned long long);
        const size_t unsignedlonglongintsize = sizeof(unsigned long long int);
        const size_t floatsize = sizeof(float);
        const size_t doublesize = sizeof(double);
        const size_t longdoublesize = sizeof(long double);
        const size_t floatcomplexsize = sizeof(float _Complex);
        const size_t doublecomplexsize = sizeof(double _Complex);
        const size_t longdoublecomplexsize = sizeof(long double _Complex);
        const size_t boolsize = sizeof(_Bool);
        const size_t sizetsize = sizeof(size_t);
        #if defined(_POSIX_VERSION)
        const size_t ssizetsize = sizeof(ssize_t);
        const size_t ptrsize = sizeof(char*);
        const size_t adrsize = sizeof(&ptrsize);
        // Display Sizes
        printf("Char: %lu\n", charsize);
        printf("Signed Char: %lu\n", signedcharsize);
        printf("Unsigned Char: %lu\n", unsignedcharsize);
        printf("Int: %lu\n", intsize);
        printf("Signed: %lu\n", signedsize);
        printf("Signed Int: %lu\n", signedintsize);
        printf("Unsigned: %lu\n", unsignedsize);
        printf("Unsigned Int: %lu\n", unsignedintsize);
        printf("Short: %lu\n", shortsize);
        printf("Short Int: %lu\n", shortintsize);
        printf("Signed Short: %lu\n", signedshortsize);
        printf("Signed Short Int: %lu\n", signedshortintsize);
        printf("Unsigned Short: %lu\n", unsignedshortsize);
        printf("Unsigned Short Int: %lu\n", unsignedshortintsize);
        printf("Long: %lu\n", longsize);
        printf("Long Int: %lu\n", longintsize);
        printf("Signed Long: %lu\n", signedlongsize);
        printf("Signed Long Int: %lu\n", signedlongintsize);
        printf("Unsigned Long: %lu\n", unsignedlongsize);
        printf("Unsigned Long Int: %lu\n", unsignedlongintsize);
        printf("Long Long: %lu\n", longlongsize);
        printf("Long Long Int: %lu\n", longlongintsize);
        printf("Signed Long Long: %lu\n", signedlonglongsize);
        printf("Signed Long Long Int: %lu\n", signedlonglongintsize);
        printf("Unsigned Long Long: %lu\n", unsignedlonglongsize);
        printf("Unsigned Long Long Int: %lu\n", unsignedlonglongintsize);
        printf("Float: %lu\n", floatsize);
        printf("Double: %lu\n", doublesize);
        printf("Long Double: %lu\n", longdoublesize);
        printf("Float Complex: %lu\n", floatcomplexsize);
        printf("Double Complex: %lu\n", doublecomplexsize);
        printf("Long Double Complex: %lu\n", longdoublecomplexsize);
        printf("_Bool: %lu\n", boolsize);
        printf("size_t: %lu\n", sizetsize);
        #if defined(_POSIX_VERSION)
        printf("ssize_t: %lu\n", ssizetsize);
        printf("Char*: %lu\n", ptrsize);
        printf("&adrsize: %lu\n", adrsize);
        return 0;
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