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This topic was published by DevynCJohnson and viewed 5605 times since "". The last page revision was "".
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- AuthorPosts
- C901 x is too complex (#)
(plugin wrapper to use pep257)
- D100 Public module missing
- D101 Public class missing
- D102 Public method missing
- D103 Public function missing
- D200 One-line docstrings should fit on one line with quotes
- D201 No blank lines allowed before docstring
- D202 No blank lines allowed after docstring
- D203 1 blank required before class docstring
- D204 1 blank required after class docstring
- D205 Blank line required between one-line summary and description
- D206 Docstring should be indented with spaces, not tabs
- D207 Docstring under-indented
- D208 Docstring over-indented
- D209 Put multi-line docstring closing quotes on separate line
- D300 Use """triple double quotes"""
- D301 Use r""" if any backslashes in your docstring
- D302 Use u""" for Unicode docstrings (Python 2 only)
- D400 First line should end with a period
- D401 First line should be in imperative mood
- D402 First line should not be the function's "signature"
pep8 (errors)
- E101 indentation has spaces & tabs
- E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
- E112 expected an indented block
- E113 unexpected indentation
- E114 indentation is not a multiple of four (comment)
- E115 expected an indented block (comment)
- E116 unexpected indentation (comment)
- E121 continuation line under-indented for hanging indent
- E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented
- E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
- E124 closing bracket does not match visual indentation
- E125 continuation line with same indent as next logical line
- E126 continuation line over-indented for hanging indent
- E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent
- E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent
- E129 visually indented line with same indent as next logical line
- E131 continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
- E133 closing bracket is missing indentation
- E201 whitespace after '('
- E202 whitespace before ')'
- E203 whitespace before ':'
- E211 whitespace before '('
- E221 multiple spaces before operator
- E222 multiple spaces after operator
- E223 tab before operator
- E224 tab after operator
- E225 operator missing whitespace
- E226 arithmetic operator missing whitespace
- E227 bitwise or shift operator missing whitespace
- E228 modulo missing whitespace
- E231 missing whitespace after ','
- E241 multiple spaces after ','
- E242 tab after ','
- E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
- E261 at least two spaces before inline comment
- E262 inline comment should start with '# '
- E265 block comment should start with '# '
- E266 too many leading '#' for block comment
- E271 multiple spaces after keyword
- E272 multiple spaces before keyword
- E273 tab after keyword
- E274 tab before keyword
- E301 expected 1 blank line, found 0
- E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 0
- E303 too many blank lines (3)
- E304 blank lines found after function decorator
- E401 multiple imports on one line
- E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
- E502 backslash is redundant between brackets
- E701 multiple statements on one line (colon)
- E702 multiple statements on one line (semicolon)
- E703 statement ends with a semicolon
- E704 multiple statements on one line (def)
- E711 comparison to None; should be 'if cond is None:'
- E712 comparison to True; should be 'if cond is True:' or 'if cond:'
- E713 test for membership; should be 'not in'
- E714 test for object identity; should be 'is not'
- E721 do not compare types, use 'isinstance()'
- E731 do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
- E901 SyntaxError or IndentationError
- E902 IOError
- F401 module imported but unused
- F402 import module from line N shadowed by loop variable
- F403 'from module import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
- F404 future import(s) name after other statements
- F811 redefinition of unused name from line N
- F812 list comprehension redefines name from line N
- F821 undefined name name
- F822 undefined name name in __all__
- F823 local variable name ... referenced before assignment
- F831 duplicate argument name in function definition
- F841 local variable name is assigned to but never used
- I100 Your import statements are in the wrong order
- I101 The names in your from import are in the wrong order
- I201 Missing newline between sections or imports
- N801 class names should use CapWords convention
- N802 function name should be lowercase
- N803 argument name should be lowercase
- N804 first argument of a classmethod should be named 'cls'
- N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
- N806 variable in function should be lowercase
- N811 constant imported as non constant
- N812 lowercase imported as non lowercase
- N813 camelcase imported as lowercase
- N814 camelcase imported as constant
pep8 (warnings)
- W191 indentation contains tabs
- W291 trailing whitespace
- W292 no newline at end of file
- W293 blank line contains whitespace
- W391 blank line at end of file
- W601 .has_key() is deprecated, use 'in'
- W602 deprecated form of raising exception
- W603 '<>' is deprecated, use '!='
- W604 backticks are deprecated, use 'repr()'
- C0102 Black listed name "%s"
- C0103 Invalid %s name "%s"
- C0111 Missing %s docstring
- C0112 Empty %s docstring
- C0121 Missing required attribute "%s"
- C0202 Class method %s should have cls as first argument
- C0203 Metaclass method %s should have mcs as first argument
- C0204 Metaclass class method %s should have %s as first argument
- C0301 Line too long (%s/%s)
- C0302 Too many lines in module (%s)
- C0303 Trailing whitespace
- C0304 Final newline missing
- C0321 More than one statement on a single line
- C0322 Old: Operator not preceded by a space
- C0323 Old: Operator not followed by a space
- C0324 Old: Comma not followed by a space
- C0325 Unnecessary parens after %r keyword
- C0326 %s space %s %s %s\n%s
- C1001 Old-style class defined
- E0001 (syntax error raised for a module; message varies)
- E0011 Unrecognized file option %r
- E0012 Bad option value %r
- E0100 __init__ method is a generator
- E0101 Explicit return in __init__
- E0102 %s already defined line %s
- E0103 %r not properly in loop
- E0104 Return outside function
- E0105 Yield outside function
- E0106 Return with argument inside generator
- E0107 Use of the non-existent %s operator
- E0108 Duplicate argument name %s in function definition
- E0202 An attribute affected in %s line %s hide this method
- E0203 Access to member %r before its definition line %s
- E0211 Method has no argument
- E0213 Method should have "self" as first argument
- E0221 Interface resolved to %s is not a class
- E0222 Missing method %r from %s interface
- E0235 __exit__ must accept 3 arguments: type, value, traceback
- E0501 Old: Non ascii characters found but no encoding specified (PEP 263)
- E0502 Old: Wrong encoding specified (%s)
- E0503 Old: Unknown encoding specified (%s)
- E0601 Using variable %r before assignment
- E0602 Undefined variable %r
- E0603 Undefined variable name %r in __all__
- E0604 Invalid object %r in __all__, must contain only strings
- E0611 No name %r in module %r
- E0701 Bad except clauses order (%s)
- E0702 Raising %s while only classes, instances or string are allowed
- E0710 Raising a new style class which does not inherit from BaseException
- E0711 NotImplemented raised - should raise NotImplementedError
- E0712 Catching an exception which does not inherit from BaseException: %s
- E1001 Use of __slots__ on an old style class
- E1002 Use of super on an old style class
- E1003 Bad first argument %r given to super()
- E1004 Missing argument to super()
- E1101 %s %r has no %r member
- E1102 %s is not callable
- E1103 %s %r has no %r member (but some types could not be inferred)
- E1111 Assigning to function call which does not return
- E1120 No value passed for parameter %s in function call
- E1121 Too many positional arguments for function call
- E1122 Old: Duplicate keyword argument %r in function call
- E1123 Passing unexpected keyword argument %r in function call
- E1124 Parameter %r passed as both positional and keyword argument
- E1125 Old: Missing mandatory keyword argument %r
- E1200 Unsupported logging format character %r (%#02x) at index %d
- E1201 Logging format string ends in middle of conversion specifier
- E1205 Too many arguments for logging format string
- E1206 Not enough arguments for logging format string
- E1300 Unsupported format character %r (%#02x) at index %d
- E1301 Format string ends in middle of conversion specifier
- E1302 Mixing named and unnamed conversion specifiers in format string
- E1303 Expected mapping for format string, not %s
- E1304 Missing key %r in format string dictionary
- E1305 Too many arguments for format string
- E1306 Not enough arguments for format string
- E1310 Suspicious argument in %s.%s call
- F0001 (error prevented analysis; message varies)
- F0002 %s: %s (message varies)
- F0003 ignored builtin module %s
- F0004 unexpected inferred value %s
- F0010 error while code parsing: %s
- F0202 Unable to check methods signature (%s / %s)
- F0220 failed to resolve interfaces implemented by %s (%s)
- F0321 Old: Format detection error in %r
- F0401 Unable to import %s
- I0001 Unable to run raw checkers on built-in module %s
- I0010 Unable to consider inline option %r
- I0011 Locally disabling %s
- I0012 Locally enabling %s
- I0013 Ignoring entire file
- I0014 Used deprecated directive "pylint:disable-all" or "pylint:disable=all"
- I0020 Suppressed %s (from line %d)
- I0021 Useless suppression of %s
- I0022 Deprecated pragma "pylint:disable-msg" or "pylint:enable-msg"
- R0201 Method could be a function
- R0401 Cyclic import (%s)
- R0801 Similar lines in %s files
- R0901 Too many ancestors (%s/%s)
- R0902 Too many instance attributes (%s/%s)
- R0903 Too few public methods (%s/%s)
- R0904 Too many public methods (%s/%s)
- R0911 Too many return statements (%s/%s)
- R0912 Too many branches (%s/%s)
- R0913 Too many arguments (%s/%s)
- R0914 Too many local variables (%s/%s)
- R0915 Too many statements (%s/%s)
- R0921 Abstract class not referenced
- R0922 Abstract class is only referenced %s times
- R0923 Interface not implemented
- RP0001 Messages by category
- RP0002 % errors / warnings by module
- RP0003 Messages
- RP0004 Global evaluation
- RP0101 Statistics by type
- RP0401 External dependencies
- RP0402 Modules dependencies graph
- RP0701 Raw metrics
- RP0801 Duplication
- W0101 Unreachable code
- W0102 Dangerous default value %s as argument
- W0104 Statement seems to have no effect
- W0105 String statement has no effect
- W0106 Expression "%s" is assigned to nothing
- W0107 Unnecessary pass statement
- W0108 Lambda may not be necessary
- W0109 Duplicate key %r in dictionary
- W0110 map/filter on lambda could be replaced by comprehension
- W0120 Else clause on loop without a break statement
- W0121 Use raise ErrorClass(args) instead of raise ErrorClass, args.
- W0122 Use of exec
- W0141 Used builtin function %r
- W0142 Used * or ** magic
- W0150 %s statement in finally block may swallow exception
- W0199 Assert called on a tuple. Did you mean \'assert x,y\'?
- W0201 Attribute %r defined outside __init__
- W0211 Static method with %r as first argument
- W0212 Access to a protected member %s of a client class
- W0221 Arguments number differs from %s method
- W0222 Signature differs from %s method
- W0223 Method %r is abstract in class %r but is not overridden
- W0231 __init__ method from base class %r is not called
- W0232 Class has no __init__ method
- W0233 __init__ method from a non direct base class %r is called
- W0234 iter returns non-iterator
- W0301 Unnecessary semicolon
- W0311 Bad indentation. Found %s %s, expected %s
- W0312 Found indentation with %ss instead of %ss
- W0331 Use of the <> operator
- W0332 Use of "l" as long integer identifier
- W0333 Use of the `` operator
- W0401 Wildcard import %s
- W0402 Uses of a deprecated module %r
- W0403 Relative import %r, should be %r
- W0404 Reimport %r (imported line %s)
- W0406 Module import itself
- W0410 __future__ import is not the first non docstring statement
- W0511 (warning notes in code comments; message varies)
- W0512 Cannot decode using encoding "%s", unexpected byte at position %d
- W0601 Global variable %r undefined at the module level
- W0602 Using global for %r but no assignment is done
- W0603 Using the global statement
- W0604 Using the global statement at the module level
- W0611 Unused import %s
- W0612 Unused variable %r
- W0613 Unused argument %r
- W0614 Unused import %s from wildcard import
- W0621 Redefining name %r from outer scope (line %s)
- W0622 Redefining built-in %r
- W0623 Redefining name %r from %s in exception handler
- W0631 Using possibly undefined loop variable %r
- W0632 Possible unbalanced tuple unpacking with sequence%s: …
- W0633 Attempting to unpack a non-sequence%s
- W0701 Raising a string exception
- W0702 No exception type(s) specified
- W0703 Catching too general exception %s
- W0704 Except does not do anything
- W0710 Exception does not inherit from standard "Exception" class
- W0711 Exception to catch is the result of a binary "%s" operation
- W0712 Implicit unpacking of exceptions is not supported in Python 3
- W1001 Use of "property" on an old style class
- W1111 Assigning to function call which only returns None
- W1201 Specify string format arguments as logging function parameters
- W1300 Format string dictionary key should be a string, not %s
- W1301 Unused key %r in format string dictionary
- W1401 Anomalous backslash in string: \'%s\'. String constant might be missing an r prefix
- W1402 Anomalous Unicode escape in byte string: \'%s\'. String constant might be missing an r or u prefix
- W1501 "%s" is not a valid mode for open
Further Reading
- Free PDF Cheatsheets - https://dcjtech.info/topic/free-pdf-cheatsheets/
- Python Tools and Software - https://dcjtech.info/topic/python-tools-and-software/
- Python File-Extensions - https://dcjtech.info/topic/python-file-extensions/
- Optimizing Python Scripts - https://dcjtech.info/topic/optimizing-python-scripts/
- AuthorPosts
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