
This website supports all official BBCodes and various unofficial BBCodes (called shortcodes). All supported codes are listed and explained below, and the official ones are also explained at The BBPress (bbp) shortcodes are explained at

BBCodes and Shortcodes are special tags that look like HTML tags, but they use square-brackets. For example, to make a word bold, enclose it with [b]. So, the opening tag is [b] and the closing tag is [/b]. All closing tags are the same as the opening tag, but with a back-slash and without parameters.

Various BBCodes and shortcodes are briefly documented or listed below. To see the action/result of HTML5 elements and shortcodes, check out


  • b - Bold
  • i - Italic
  • u - Underline
  • s - Strike-through/line-through
  • size=# - Specify size using a number ([size=12]TEXT[/size])
  • subscript
  • superscript
  • color=* - Specify color using standard HTML names or hex-codes
  • center - Centered text alignment
  • justify - Justified alignment
  • left - Left-aligned text
  • right - Right-aligned text
  • reverse - Reverse the text ([reverse]This text is reversed.[/reverse] = This text is reversed.)


  • li - List item; use with one of the list BBCodes
  • list - Variant of [ul]; Unordered list
  • ol - Ordered list (with numbers)
  • ul - Unordered list (bullet-point)


  • table - Rows of a table
  • tbody - Table body
  • thead - Table header
  • tfoot - Table footer
  • th - Table header (cell)
  • td - Table content/data (cell)
  • tr - Table cells that make a row

Table example -

[th]HEADER 1[/th]
[th]HEADER 2[/th]
[td]ITEM 1[/td]
[td]VALUE 1[/td]
[td]ITEM 2[/td]
[td]VALUE 2[/td]
[td]ITEM 3[/td]
[td]VALUE 3[/td]


  • cite - Specify quote's source ([cite]Relevant source[/cite])
  • quote - Quotation box surrounding text
  • quote=NAME - Attach a name to a quotation

Images, Links, and Embedded Content

  • email - Email hyperlink ([email=EMAIL]text[/email])
  • freesound - Embed Freesound content by ID ([freesound]ID[/freesound] || [freesound=large]ID[/freesound])
  • gvideo - Embed Google-Video content by ID ([gvideo]ID[/gvideo])
  • img - Show image [img]url-to-image[/img]; declare size [img=WxH]url[/img]
  • quote - Quotation box surrounding text
  • quote=NAME - Attach a name to a quotation
  • url - Hyperlink
  • url=LINK - Make text contain a hyperlink ([url=LINK]Click me[/url])
  • vimeo - Embed Vimeo content by ID ([vimeo]ID[/vimeo])
  • youtube - Embed Youtube content by ID ([youtube]ID[/youtube])

Source Code Display

Use the following shortcodes to distinguish source code from regular text and use syntax highlighting.

  • asm - Assembly
  • avrasm - AVR-Assembler
  • c - C programming; use "cpp" for C++
  • code - Generic single-line/in-line code; same as the "code" HTML tag
  • codegroup - Group multiple codes together (such as [html] and [css])
  • cpp - C++ programming; use "c" for C
  • csharp - C#
  • css - Cascading Style Sheets
  • cython
  • diff
  • html
  • ini - INI and conf files
  • java
  • javascript
  • js - Alias for "javascript"
  • json
  • kbd - Keyboard key-presses ([kbd]Ctrl[/kbd]+[kbd]S[/kbd])
  • lua
  • matlab
  • md - Markdown
  • no-highlight - Multi-line code without syntax highlighting; same as the "pre" HTML tag
  • nsis
  • php
  • python
  • raw - Display raw code and shortcodes with generic highlighting
  • ruby
  • rust
  • shell - Linux/Unix shell scripting and terminal
  • sql - SQLite Queries
  • squirrel
  • VHDL
  • xml

BBPress Shortcodes

  • bbp-forum-index - Show the whole forum index
  • bbp-forum-form - Show the "new forum" form
  • bbp-single-forum id=ID - Show the topics of a specific forum (by ID)
  • bbp-topic-index - Show the 15 newest topics
  • bbp-topic-forum - Show the "new topic" form
  • bbp-topic-form forum_id=ID - Show the "new topic" form for a specific forum
  • bbp-single-topic id=ID - Show a specific topic
  • bbp-reply-form - Show the reply form
  • bbp-single-reply id=ID - Show a specific reply
  • bbp-topic-tags - Show a tag cloud
  • bbp-single-tag id=ID - List all topics related to the specified tag ID
  • bbp-single-view id="*" - Show a list of topics that have "no-replies" or are "popular"
  • bbp-search - Search bar
  • bbp-search-form - Search form
  • bbp-login - Login form
  • bbp-register - Registration form
  • bbp-lost-pass - Lost-password form

Misc Shortcodes

  • abbr - Show meaning of abbreviations (HTML)
  • clientip - Display the client's IP address ([ip/] =
  • hr - Horizontal ruler (line - [hr/])
  • paypal-donation - DCJTech Paypal donation button
  • useragent - Display the useragent ([useragent/] = Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; [email protected]))