Types of Psychoactive Substances

Here is a list of various types of psychoactive substances.

  • Anxiogenics - causes anxiety
  • Anxiolytics - reduce anxiety
  • Deliriants - induce delirium
  • Dissociatives - distort perceptions and produce feelings of detachment from the environment and self
  • Empathogens or Entactogens - produce empathy or sympathy
  • Entheogens - induce feelings of inspiration, often in a spiritual manner
  • Eugeroics - improves wakefulness and alertness
  • Euphorigenics - induce euphoria
  • Hallucinogens - cause hallucinations, perception anomalies, etc.
  • Hypnotics, Soporifics, or Sedatives - induce sleep
  • Nootropics - improve one or more aspects of mental function
  • Oneirogen - produce and enhance dreams when sleeping
  • Orexigenics - increase appetite
  • Psychedelics - alter cognition and perception
  • Psychoanaleptics - produce arousing effects
  • Serenics - reduce aggression
  • Stimulants - improve and/or increase mental and/or physical functions